Massage and facial treatments are versatile and effective for addressing a wide range of skin and body concerns, providing relaxation, rejuvenation, and targeted care. These treatments can benefit people of all age groups, promoting overall well-being and skin health.

Classic Body Massage
Unveil a firmer, sculpted physique with our active body toning massage. Expertly curated to target stubborn areas, this invigorating massage employs advanced techniques to stimulate and tone muscles and enhance your natural contours. Dive into a proactive session where relaxation meets rejuvenation, and emerge with a body that feels energized, toned, and poised.
PRICE: 55€
Relaxing massage with essential oils
Step into a sanctuary of serene relaxation with our deep tissue massage, exclusively crafted for those seeking profound relief from muscle tension. Let expert hands delve deep beneath the surface, unlocking knots and easing tightness. Every meticulous stroke is designed to alleviate stress, rejuvenate the body, and transport you to a state of blissful tranquility. Melt away the burdens of daily life, and emerge refreshed, rebalanced, and relaxed.
PRICE: 65€

Anti-Cellulite Massage
Experience the transformative power of our anti-cellulite massage. Designed to tackle the troublesome texture of cellulite, this treatment stimulates blood flow, flush out toxins, and break down fat deposits beneath the skin. The result? Smoother, firmer, and more toned skin.
PRICE: 55€
SAPROGEL – unique
SAPROGEL is a 100% natural product for human beauty and health, produced in Latvia within the territory of Rāzna National Park, using sapropel from Lake Ubogova. SAPROGEL contains biologically active fulvic acids and humic acids essential for the human body. Its composition of organic substances also includes bituminous substances, lipids, sterols, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins (antioxidants such as B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, etc.), carotenoids, and other biologically active substances.
PRICE: 65€
- Strengthens metabolic and adaptive processes;
- Improves blood circulation;
- Promotes activation of the immune system and regeneration of nerve fibers;
- Heals scars;
- Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
- Restores immunity and strengthens the skin’s protective properties;
- Delays skin aging, restoring and smoothing it;
- Helps eliminate cellulite, break down fat, and promote toxin removal from the body;
- Helps eliminate acne and pigmentation;
- Removes toxins and heavy metals from the body;
- Helps reduce sweating and unpleasant odors.”

A new dimension of body rejuvenation with our comprehensive anti-cellulite treatment. Combining traditional hands-on massage with modern vacuum technology, this therapy dives deeper into the skin’s layers to stimulate circulation, encourage lymphatic drainage, and target stubborn fat cells. This dual-action technique ensures a thorough breakdown of cellulite, leading to visibly smoother and more toned skin. It boosts overall skin health and vitality.
PRICE: 50€
- Velashape III Sculptor -
Infrasarkanais starojums
Nodrošina siltuma iedarbību uz tauku šūnām, sadalot tās un samazinot to daudzumu. Līdz ar to problēmu zonas tiek veiksmīgi koriģētas.
Vakuuma masāža.
Vakuuma masāžas iedarbība uz ādu uzlabo asinsriti, stimulē elastīna un kolagēna izdalīšanos, veicina limfas atteci un ādas tvirtumu.
Radio frekvenču RF-liftings
Ar šādu iedarbības veidu tiek sasildīts zemādas tauku slānis un tiek palaista tauku šūnu sadale. Āda pakāpeniski nostiepjas, tiek normalizēta asinsrite, pamanāms liftinga efekts.
Rullīšu masāža
Masāža iedarbojas uz sadalījušos tauku nogulšņu izvadīšanu, limfas drenāžas uzlabošanu.
Ierīce ķermeņa konturēšanai un celulīta likvidēsanai.
Tā ir droša radiofrekvences elektriskās enerģijas iedarbība uz dermu, veicinot ādas atjaunošanos. Paaugstinātas temperatūras ietekme uz dermu noved pie elastīna un kolagēna šķiedru sablīvēšanās un saspiešanas, fibroblastu darbības aktivizēšanas un asins mikrocirkulācijas uzlabošanās. Pateicoties termiskajam efektam, samazinās grumbu dziļums, palielinās dermas elastība, uzlabojas vielmaiņa un tiek stimulēta kolagēna sintēze, kas veicina ādas atjaunošanos un atjaunošanos.