"Smart Fitness" for Face and Body
What kind of device is this?
The uniqueness of the device lies in its ability to induce not only linear muscle contractions but also torsional twisting. This type of contraction accelerates metabolism, promotes the breakdown of fat into water, waste, and toxins, and aids in their elimination from the body.
Body Modules

Transion simultaneously eliminates fat and builds muscle. It induces isotonic and torsional muscle contractions, boosts metabolism, and removes excess intercellular fluids.
Isogei uses isometric muscle contraction technology to activate 100% of muscle fibers, tightening and toning the skin for a youthful appearance.

Linfogei provides lymphatic and venous drainage, helping to reduce swelling and puffiness, visibly decreasing cellulite and improving circulation.
Face Modules

Isotonic contractions are a type of muscle activity where muscles contract while changing their length, accompanied by visible movement. There are two types of isotonic contractions:
The muscle shortens as it overcomes resistance, such as when lifting a dumbbell
The muscle lengthens under resistance, for example, when lowering a dumbbell.
Torsional contractions are contractions accompanied by rotational or twisting movements. In cosmetology and physiotherapy, “torsional contractions” may refer to stimulation methods that cause twisting or rotational movements of muscle fibers, potentially enhancing tone and tissue firmness in multiple planes. Both types of contractions are used to improve muscle tone and tighten tissues, which can be beneficial in cosmetic contouring for the body or face.
Isogei uses 100% of muscle fibers to create isometric movement, providing wrinkle reduction, facial contouring, lifting, and facial asymmetry correction.
Isometric movement is a type of muscle activity where muscles contract without changing in length, and no visible joint movement occurs. In other words, the muscle is tense but neither shortens nor stretches. An example of an isometric exercise is holding a plank or applying static muscle tension to attempt to move an object without actually moving it. In cosmetology, isometric movement is used in devices to strengthen muscles and lift tissues, improving tone and contours without active muscle movement.

Linfogei promotes lymphatic and venous drainage, reducing facial swelling, and enhancing skin health and tissue regeneration.
Microgei stimulates skin regeneration, collagen and elastin production, and provides a youthful, radiant glow to the skin.

Prepare For Your Visit
Browse our FAQ to learn everything you need to know before your Chemical Peeling treatment.
- Cellulite;
- Swelling;
- Excess weight;
- Deformation of muscle tissue due to premature aging;
- Skin sagging;
- Local fat deposits in the buttocks, thighs, and waist area;
- Body disproportion, need for body contouring;
- Volume reduction;
- Increase in muscle tone;
- Muscle strengthening, giving the body definition;
- Body recovery after injuries;
- Muscle tissue changes and body deformation after pregnancy and childbirth;
- Skin toning and firming;
- Skin rejuvenation effect